Simply Sweet Components slides

June 7, 2009

Here are the slides for my JavaOne 2009 presentation, Simply Sweet Components, TS-4559 (read the abstract). Enjoy!

keynote Keynote version (the format I authored the presentation in)
quick_time QuickTime version (with full animations)
pdf PDF version (with notes, but no animations)

To get the most out of the presentation, I’d recommend clicking through the QuickTime version (the one with the animations), with the PDF version up on the side (which has the notes).

16 Responses to “Simply Sweet Components slides”

  1. Pepe Says:

    Thank you for sharing this.

    A video of this presentation would have been great…

  2. Amar Says:

    Nice presentation. Very informative. Any idea on when the next version of the library is released?


    • Ken Says:

      Thanks Amar. I was shooting to release 0.9.5 around JavaOne, but that didn’t happen — probably within the next month.


      • Amar Says:

        Thanks Ken. Will this new version include all of the enhancements mentioned in the issues? I want to get the approval from my team to use this library in a product that we want to redesign and providing the enhancements would strengthen my hand.


  3. Keilly Says:

    Saw the presentation live at JavaOne, nice job, was really good I thought.

  4. Kirill Kalishev Says:

    Very nice presentation, exactly what I came up with making lots of custom swing components for a long time.

    Say my hello to Dima Skavish :)

  5. Ken Says:

    Hi Amar,

    I’m not sure which issues that are still open will get fixed for 0.9.5 — you can email me your most pressing issues.


  6. Jeremy Says:

    Interesting presentation. I guess I’m so used to the hundreds of methods that I wasn’t phased by their presence. But you make a compelling point; I’ll be more mindful of this in the future.

    On the other hand, a lot of the time I end up writing “hackish” fixes for bugs/issues, and I end up overriding or using obscure methods that a cleaner API wouldn’t make available. (You could argue these fixes shouldn’t be necessary in the first place, though.)

    • Ken Says:

      Hey Jeremy,

      You guessed it — if there are methods exposed that you’re overriding to work-around an issue, that means there is a fundamental flaw in the design.

      When an API is developed internally, it’s relatively easy to find the author and talk about your needs as an API consumer. I certainly understand, though, that this communication becomes very difficult when the issues needing work-arounds are in external APIs.


  7. Matt Ward Says:

    Awesome post! I am sick of making custom Swing components too. Thanks a bunch for sharing your work with these APIs. I will surely be using them a lot more in the upcoming months.

  8. Montechristos Says:

    Great post, very actual.

    May I propose another way of ‘injecting’ functionality to components: The visitor pattern.

    If each component implements a visitor access, then we can add functionality by creating new visitors: e.g. IconVisitor, ColorVisitor, …

  9. […] of the people I met at JavaOne, Ken Orr has just posted the slides to his ‘Simply Sweet Components’ presentation. Definitely well worth checking […]

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