Sea Glass version 0.1

December 4, 2009

Sea Glass version 0.1 is ready for you to try! This is a very preliminary version of the look and feel, and is missing artwork for tabs and component focused states. Also note that the artwork will likely change as we move forward based on your feedback.

Don’t expect rendering of components to be perfect in this release — text alignment, for example, might not be quite right. The goal with this very early preview is to get feedback on fundamental aspects of the look and feel (e.g. colors).

You can download seaglass-0.1.jar or check out the Google Code Download page.

You can download the demo (based on Laffy) here.

25 Responses to “Sea Glass version 0.1”

  1. And I will also note that I added segmented and segmentedTextured button support last night. (I overlooked simple textured, but you can always do segmentedTextured with an “only” button.)

    We use the Apple client properties for this.

  2. […] feedback at Ken’s site, and we’ll give it the consideration it deserves. Comment (RSS) […]

  3. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jonathan Giles and Rémy Rakic, carldea. carldea said: RT: @lqd: Sea Glass Look and Feel v0.1 – […]

  4. As a Maven user I’d like this to be included in the main Maven repository, but we can’t do that as the project stands because the central repository requires that you own the domain corresponding to some subset of your groupId. Our groupId is currently com.seaglass, which means we would need to own

    We don’t and can’t. It’s owned by a company that sells sea glass. Go figure. ;-)

    All of the seaglass.* names are taken, except for ones that aren’t relevant.

    I normally use org.kathrynhuxtable for my top-level groupId and packages, but this is a joint project.

    I suppose we could call it seaglasslaf, seaglassplaf, or seaglasslookandfeel. Those are all available for .com, .org, and .net.

    Any suggestions?

  5. Social comments and analytics for this post…

    This post was mentioned on Twitter by lqd: Sea Glass Look and Feel v0.1 –

  6. Tristan Seifert Says:

    Nice! When do you think you will implement the InternalFrame UI and some other UIs? I also noticed that some components do not work with the different sizes.

    • I want to get the toolbar and top-level frames working completely first. The gradients don’t quite match on non-Mac systems.

      I also want to get the different sizes to work completely. There are some issues there.

      The code is quite rough at this point, since a lot was just copied and modified from Synth and Nimbus where they had package-local classes that couldn’t be extended and weren’t sufficiently customizable. I’ll have more to say an this on my blog when we’re a bit farther along.

      Ken hasn’t yet done the artwork for tabbed panes, which is the main piece we need to generalize into a complete look. Hopefully he can finish that up before Apple swallows him whole. (Hopefully, Apple won’t swallow him whole!)

      As far is internal frames go, I’m not sure what more we need to do. They mostly work. What is your issue?

  7. briand Says:

    You guys are great.

    Is there a way i can join you guys?

  8. briand Says:

    Please could you give me a brief way on ow to use it?

  9. I’ve repackaged it as 0.1.1 with a new base package of com.seaglasslookandfeel. Ordinarily, I don’t approve of changing the base package in such a minor version, but since it’s *me* doing it, I give myself absolution.

    In other words, I just don’t want to go to 0.2 and we’ve just released it, and I just realized that that we can’t own that domain name corresponding to the package.

  10. Did I catch this correctly that segmented buttons are already implemented?

  11. We now have a Google group called that can (and should) be used for questions and discussion about the Sea Glass look and feel.

  12. We’ve just tagged version 0.1.3. We have toolbar gradients working now and rounded corners on Windows. We’re drawing a lot of the components using Graphics2D, but not all of them.

    We’re still using Nimbus controls for option panes, chooser panes, and tabbed panes. We haven’t given any serious attention yet to internal desktop panes.

  13. And don’t forget that most of the announcing is taking place in our Google Group:

    Check it out.

  14. Neo.P5 Says:

    Hei, is this great looking LnF still under development or is this project dead?

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